About Me

I'm a wife, mother, big sister, friend, and a quilter.

I began quilting January 1, 1993. I had wanted to learn how to quilt for years but felt like I had to wait until the right time to devote the proper amount of attention necessary. My grandmother taught me to knit, crochet, embroider and needlepoint, but I waited too late to ask her to teach me to quilt. By the time I started quilting, she was in a nursing home and not quite all there anymore.

For most of my quilting life I have made quilts in traditional and primitive styles. I still love those but I find myself migrating to the bright side.

Quilting is also a luxury item in terms of availability of time to do it. I try to steal moments whenever possible and decided in 2013 that time was of the essence, and certain things no longer mattered. I completed 8 quilts that year.

I don't quilt for show. Quilting soothes my soul and keeps me centered in this crazy world. In my work world, perfection is required and when I get into my studio, I'm ready to let loose and just let things flow, and it shows in my quilting.

In my mind, the best thing about quilting is the ability to make something from fabric that's full of love. I don't quilt for profit; I'm too emotionally invested in the quilts I make to determine their worth.

I do find that I grow with every quilt I make. I find out what I like and what I don't like, and know how I want to move forward and what I prefer to leave behind.

Please join me on my journey.


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