Waste Not, Want Not...

Before I left for my quilting retreat in February, there was a flurry of cutting going on--one must never run out of projects at a quilting retreat! Now that I'm in a semi-organizing mode, I'm trying to figure out what to do with the leftovers. How small is too small?

And when you decide what's not too small, how do you organize what you're keeping? Shoe boxes? Plastic bags? 55 gallon garbage sacks? I have a 30 gallon tub in the fabric cave that's overflowing with scraps and other miscellany. Not exactly user-friendly, and now I question whether I will ever do anything with them, mostly because I don't know what's in the tub! Please, don't let the little ones see this:

Oh, my...
So while pondering this dilemma, I remembered that I have some clear plastic bins that I have accumulated over the years. They are full, however, of UFOs. So why not exchange the scraps for the UFOs? I have a lofty goal of finishing 12 projects this year. Perhaps this will be my inspiration--a place to stash the scraps?

One bin is sitting on my sewing table; it's the one I took with me to the quilting retreat. There were 5 projects in it: the Barn Chicks quilt from my last post and its remnants, my practice blocks for the Trick or Treat quilt (I had planned to make a pillow with them), another Buggy Barn project--I used their Crazy Cats quilt pattern to make 3 flannel cat blocks to make into a pillow (hmmm....I'm beginning to see a pattern here), a Civil War reproduction quilt project, and the leftover blocks from our retreat quilts and leftover log cabin strips to make shams for the quilts:

There are 27 (yikes!) more bins.

Let's see what happens.

Happy quilting,


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