2014 - the year in review

Wow--the year was a blur. Although there have been times when I thought it would drag on forever.

Like many folks, I spend a good portion of December reflecting upon the year that is closing and thinking about what I would like to do differently the next year.

I did not spend a lot of time in the Bottoms Up! Studio in 2014. We had lots of company in the very beginning and middle of the year. We have Will. We had no air conditioning during the summer and we were blessed to have a cooler summer than normal, but that's when I spent most of my time in the studio. I spent too much time at work. I spent the entire month of October quilting my first customer quilt. November and December--not a bit of quilting. Doctor and therapist appointments, Thanksgiving, birthdays and Christmas and parties. The studio is feeling a bit neglected and I'm ready to jump back in.

My goal for 2014 was to complete 6 quilts; I completed 5. Less than last year, but still more than my average! Here's a look back on what was made:

Swiss Mocha

Rodney's Retirement Quilt
Cindy's Retirement Quilt
Peace on Earth

Baby Bullseye Quilt for Lane
The best word I can use to describe Christmas was "joyous!" The only way it could have been better was if all of our kids were with us that day, but we had an 8-day period with 3 gatherings (i.e., LOTS of food and wine) in our home where at least one of our kids was at each gathering, and we helped one of the Besties with a party Sunday evening. As much fun as it was, I'm ready for a slowdown and to recharge my batteries, and that will happen as soon as I get into the Bottoms Up! Studio.

A few days after I drafted this post, the hubster's father passed away. I want to thank all of you for your kind words and condolences; it means a lot! While we mourn his passing, we are grateful that he has been made whole again and is with our family members that passed before him.

I'll talk about my goals for 2015 in the next post. I hope your holidays were wonderful. Go quilt!
